Christ Lutheran Church.... Church Becoming... sharing the love of Christ... for the sake of the world.

June 25th, 2023

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

"Ordinary Time" Worship at 8 am and 10 am

Masks are optional at all services.

From Your Pastor

There are times when I lack the creativity to share news in a less than direct manner; this is one of those times.

Peter and I are pretty well recovered from our six weeks absence other than still being fatigued after returning to 7000 feet after being at sea level. And rediscovering New Mexico allergies - nothing new.

However, last week our daughter-in-law Sophie's (married to WIll, living in Vietnam) father was murdered in a horrific event that also injured her mother and has permanently changed her family in many ways. We are grieving the death of a gentleman; Dan Quang was loved by family, neighbors and friends. And we are sad that we can not be with Will and Sophie in person during this awful time. So, we talk on the phone when Will can call and daily text our love.

I hope you can understand if I (and Peter) seem less than 100% present. We are spending a lot of time trying to make sense of what is senseless and trying to be supportive of Sophie and WIll as we grieve.

In Christ's Peace,

Pastor Joene

Food Pantry "Asks"

for June

During June 2023 the "ask" continues to be for peanut butter and tortillas. Bring Wednesday noon - 1 pm, Thursday mornings or Sunday mornings.

Also, please bring paper bags with handles. We are needing to buy paper bags now as we are double bagging.

Pride Parade This Saturday

Time Change!

We still need people to help decorate our Pride Parade entry and ride or walk along side. We are meeting at CLC to leave by 8:30; come early to carpool. Or meet us in the PARA Parking Lot and help decorate. The Parade begins at 10:30.

We need someone to bake 3-4 dozen heart shaped cookies with rainbow frosting. Please let Pastor Joene know if you are able.

Memorial Service for Tom Martin

Friends are invited to join Tom's family on Friday, July 7th at 11 am at the National Cemetery, followed by a light lunch and time of sharing at CLC at noon in the Common Room.

From the Treasurer - Update

Our bank accounts are somewhat down as offerings were lower in May, almost $2500 lower than budgeted.   Rental income this year is above our budget estimates. 

We will continue to monitor offerings. 

Pastor Joene's Week

Pastor Joene works Sunday through Thursday, taking Friday as a day off and Saturday as a sabbatical. If there are events on those days she will take comp time.

She is usually in the office Monday afternoons, most Tuesdays (lots of regular meetings plus Game Time), Wednesdays usually 10-2 pm, and Thursdays. Please stop by to see her or call/email to schedule a time if you want to talk.

For Our New Library/Quiet Room


We are still looking for a loveseat or two comfy chairs. Please keep your eyes open at the many estate/moving sales this summer.

The Library/Quiet Room is between the sanctuary and the church office and is unlocked and available for use.

Bible Study Sunday Mornings

9:15 in the Common Room

Join us at 9:15-9:45 for a brief Bible Study using Daily Faith, an ELCA resource with discussion questions usually based on the second reading of the day.

Sunday Bulletin

You can see the worship bulletin for Sunday morning, June 25th Here

Blessing Bag Time Again

We have given away all of the Blessing Bags we created a couple of months ago and are planning on making another 200 on June 25th.

Please bring:

bottled water

dog treats

snack size baggies for the dog treats

We will request additional supplies from Food Depot - we have some granola bars and fruit cups on hand.

Special Congregational Meeting

June 25th at 11:15 am

In Person Only

We will be reviewing where we stand with the initiatives approved in January, and voting on proposed changes to both the CLC constitution and bylaws, including changing the Annual Meeting date to early December so that we might move to a Jan-December budget.

We are having a light potluck so that we will not hold discussions or votes on empty stomachs. Plan on bringing a dish to share.

As stated in the model constitution, only Chapters 10-14 can be modified by congregations. So, the ELCA Model Constitution (2022) is attached as well as draft Chapters 10-14 for CLC, and draft Bylaws with Policies approved by Council.

Please see the documents below:

Proposed CLC Constitution

Proposed CLC Bylaws and Policies

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Looking Ahead - Save the Dates

June 24th -This Saturday- Pride Parade

June 25th - This Sunday Special Congregational Meeting, at 11:15 am

A day soon, a Saturday afternoon - a Free Fair to give away the donations in CLC from the refugee project and any items you may have and want to give away.

CLC Prayer List

Add names to a new list each week on the sheet below the Southwest cross outside the sanctuary doors. We will lift up the names during worship.

Christ Lutheran's Mission Statement

Living in God's grace

Serving each other with love and respect

Serving our community with compassion and joy

Ministering to the vulnerable and those on the edges

Welcoming all on our spiritual pilgrimage

In every issue

CLC Services On Line

The 10 am service, with music is shown

on YouTube, recorded for most Sundays.

Youtube - CLC YouTube Channel to view the recorded CLC services, as we have them available: CLC YouTube Channel

Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

CLC also now has an Instagram page where you can view photos and watch videos. Check it out at CLC_santa_fe on Instagram.

Visit our website

Make a donation

Contact  Pastor Joene