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Joene Herr

Lutheran Advocacy Ministries NM

I have been the pastor at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (CLC), since spring of 2015. You may know Pastor Ben Larzalere who served at CLC for 37 years. 

Prior to New Mexico I spent my life in the Great Lakes states: Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio.  I was the first in my family to graduate from college; my father had an eighth-grade education. I’m an alumnus of the University of Michigan, as is my husband. 

I wasn’t raised in the church; my husband Peter is a born in the pew Lutheran who invited me to church when we began dating. I was baptized about six months before our wedding.

 I’m a second career pastor; prior to seminary (Trinity Lutheran, Columbus Ohio, 2001-2006) I co-raised our three children and supported my husband through his PhD studies as a clinical psychologist. I had a number of jobs prior to attending seminary, primarily as an account executive in telecommunications, though I also worked as a recruiter.

I am the Interfaith Leadership Alliance secretary for 2020, I am on the Board of Directors for the Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe, and a past board member of PFLAG.