Financial Stewardship

"Stewardship" means more than financial contributions to Christ Lutheran Church.  It means more than our time, talent, and treasure given to the church.  We are called to lives -- our whole lives -- of discipleship, following the words and examples of Jesus.

Financial Stewardship is an important part, however.  It takes money to continue the work of Christ Lutheran.  Part of our finances are used in service to the community, through services like the food pantry and other outreach ministries.  It supports the greater work of the ELCA.  It provides paychecks for our pastor, music minister and secretary.  It pays utilities, maintenance, insurance and many other things needed to keep our church building and our church community going.

Ways To Give

There are several ways to make donations to Christ Lutheran.  We encourage you to choose the one that works best for you.

Put cash or a check in the offering basket on Sunday morning.

If you pay bills online from your bank or credit union, you can make Christ Lutheran a payee like any other bill.

Use our online donation system to make a one-time or recurring donation from your bank account or credit card.  Note:  This will take you away from the Christ Lutheran website to a donation processing system.  You will have to set up a user ID and password to use this system.  We strongly urge you to create a strong password, and to use this password only for this site.