Christ Lutheran Church Annual Meeting 2023 Minutes
January 29, 2023
In Person and Via Zoom
Opening Remarks - Rickey Faehl, CLC Council President (Call to order at 1:22pm. No remarks)
2. Gathering Hymn “Jesus the Very Thought of You”
3. Opening Prayer – Pastor Joene Herr
4. Approval of the Agenda (not discussed)
5. Roll Call (announcement of Quorum) and approval of Minutes from 2022 Meeting
Quorum 9 required, about 19 attending.
Minutes from 2022 were approved by the congregation.
6. Recognition of CLC Volunteers (Joene read a list of volunteers and asked them to stand.)
7. 2023 Financial Budget Presentation and Approval
Pastor and Organist agreed to a 50% reduction.
Budget for about $101k was approved by the congregation.
8. Election of 2022 Congregational Council
Recognition of outgoing Council Members: Rickey Faehl, Jim Bailey resigned
Council Candidates: Valarie Budayr, Michael Abernathy
Approved by the congregation
9. Initiatives (presentation, discussion and vote on each item)
The sanctuary (working team of Peggy K, Valarie B and Chrys K)
Finding another congregation to worship here
Weddings (Council needs to create policies)
Concerts and speakers
The first four items were approved as a group by the congregation.
Focused celebrations (not discussed)
Using the Tagline “Church Becoming” or “Becoming Church” (approved by the congregation)
Synergy Group (to include a representative from the co-ministry (rental) groups who want to participate, to address needs of the building we share (approved by the congregation)
Tuesday evening prayer/contemplative service (perhaps an Eleventh Step focus?) (Discussed – not necessarily a Christian service; approved by the congregation)
New Signage and Evening lighting (approved)
Congregational Diversity Training by our diverse community members (approved)
Hire a professional grant writer (approved)
Project Moxie (Safe Outdoor Spaces) (Consider pursuing; approved)
10. The 2023 Audit team – Peggy Krenz, Pam Martin, and Kathy Nunes
11. Election of Rocky Mountain Synod Delegates (May, 16-18th, in El Paso) (Still looking for two volunteers.)
12. Closing Prayer by Joene
13. Adjournment 1:03pm